
Thursday 16 November 2017- Live Surgery Seminar for Audiologists

8am - 4.30pm

Participants will have the opportunity to view cases of live surgery via video link up to the Function Room, St Vincent's Clinic.

Endorsed for 7.25 CPD points by Audiology Australia. The endorsement number is CPD1718 037 in Category 1.

Registrations close Wednesday 1 November 2017

Contact: Margi Griffiths Phone +61 2 8382 6413 or Email

Download the course flyer

Register online


Friday 17, Sat 18 and Sunday 19 November -Temporal Bone Dissection Course

Live surgery with audience interaction.

The seminar includes 14 hours of supervised dissection.

CME approval is being sought.

Price: Dissectors: $2,100 (including GST) Non Dissectors $650 (inlcuding GST)

Fed includes: laboratory use, specimens, lectures, morning tea, lunch and course dinner

Contact: Margi Griffiths Phone +61 2 8382 6413 or Email

Download the course outline

Register and pay online


Early Breast Cancer Information and Support Meetings

St Vincent's Hospital and the Kinghorn Cancer Centre hold monthly information sessions that include a guest speaker and discussion

The following sessions will be held in the near future:


Executive Health Solutions Health and Life First Programs

Executive Health Solutions Life First Programs Provide clients with an examination of their current health status alongside information and assistance on how to improve their health risks.

Executive Health Solutions is located on level 5 of St Vincent's Clinic. Phone (02) 9384 0600

For more information on what is involved download a program flyer or see the EHS website.


Caring for carers - A support group for people with someone living with cancer

St Vincent's Hospital Sydney and the Kinghorn Cancer Centre offer carers with someone living with cancer the opportunity to gain support together with others in a similar situation.

The sessions are held on the first Tuesday of every month from 10.00 am to 12 noon in the John Shine Room, Level 6, Kinghorn Cancer Centre at 370 Victoria Street Darlinghurst.

For further information and registration please contact:

Christiane Kersch, Social Worker on (02) 9355 5622 or


Melissa Langbart, Social Worker on (02) 8382 9375 or 


Kinghorn Cancer Wellness Centre 

The Kinghorn Wellness Centre supports cancer patients and their families by offering a range of effective, evidence based therapies to enhance and balance their wellbeing at all stages of their recovery.

Located on level 4 of the Kinghorn Centre on Victoria Street, the Wellness Centre aims to provide sanctuary from the medical treatments involved in the cancer journey.

The therapies practiced at the centre include:


The centre offers patients personalised nutrition plans to maximise their healing potential by teaching them to eat for their changed body, improve their quality of live and promote recovery and healing.

Oncology massage

Oncology Massage is a gentle, nurturing treatment that is modified to be safe during any part of the cancer experience. It helps to assist with poor sleep patterns, mental clarity and alertness, scar tissue restriction, peripheral neuropathy and digestive problems.

Physiotherapy and Lymphoedema treatment

Physiotherapy plays a key role in improving the quality of life during and after treatment. Lymphoedema treatment focuses on the early identification, management and rehabilitation of physical and functional impairment during and after cancer treatment.

Exercise physiology

The Wellness Centre’s exercise physiology sessions focus on regaining strength and conditioning, boosting immune function, protecting bone density and maintaining muscle mass. It has also been known to assist management of fatigue, pain and nausea, assist with coping and mental health as well as aerobic fitness and immunity.

The wellness centre is located within the Kinghorn Cancer Centre and is operated by a specialised team who have extensive experience with oncology and chronic illness.

To make an appointment call 9359 8071 or email

Address: Level 4, 370 Victoria Street Darlinghurst